

Achieve your goals

with our strategy

We provide individual guidance and hands-on support for your application to European universities. Since 2015, we help over 350 students each year secure admissions at universities and business schools across Europe.

Our Packages

our admissions packages

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your benefits

Our proprietary tools, data, frameworks, methodology, and data-driven approach help compile impactful application documents and maximize your admission chances in the shortest duration.

Application Documents

We help you author compelling application documents, such as curriculum vitae, statement of purpose, etc. that present a persuasive candidate profile

Aesthetics & Design

In addition to content, we also compile professional application documents using our Pixel Perfect™ framework that ensures consistent design and aesthetics to help you stand out.

University Selection

We leverage our historical admissions data and job market insights to help identify courses and universities that best align with your long-term career goals and aspirations.

Content Analytics

We leverage sophisticated Artificial Intelligence tools and a large corpus of application documents to objective analyze your application documents for weasel words, typos, stop words, structure, and several important dimensions to improve the quality of your application documents.

Uniqueness & Privacy

Each candidate profile is unique. We neither recycle content from previous applications, nor use your content for other clients. Your applications are tailored to highlight your profile to help you stand out and also avoid content plagiarism issues that may arise in the future.

Workflow & Tooling

Our innovative workflows and tools eliminate manual activities, such as browsing for courses and formatting your application documents. Instead, we save you precious time that you can spend on increasing your application throughput and maximise your admission chances.


our engagement process

This might probably be first time that you are submitting applications to universities abroad. You might find the entire process overwhelming with a lot of unknowns.

During the engagement process, you will not only witness your application documents take shape, but also work alongside our advisors and learn the process of building compelling applications.

The learning will help you during your internships and job search after your graduation or later when making career transitions as an experienced professional.

our success

our track record

A snapshot of universities and business schools that our clients secured admits


Graduate and Research programs
  1. Technical University of Deggendorf
  2. Technical University of Kaiserslautern
  3. Technical University of Munich
  4. Universität Stuttgart
  5. Technical University of Karlsruhe
  6. Aalborg University
  7. Delft University of Technology
  8. Technische Universität Darmstadt
  9. University of Toulouse
  10. University of Nantes

Business Schools

MBA and Masters in Management programs
  1. HEC Paris
  2. University of St Gallen
  3. ESMT Berlin
  4. WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
  5. Rotterdam School of Management
  6. Stockholm School of Economics
  7. Mannheim Business School
  8. Vlerick Business School
  9. Saïd Business School
  10. Copenhagen Business School


check what our clients say about us


I really enjoyed the personal treatment I got at INTRVU. Right off the bat, they give you professional advice about how to proceed at every stage from the very first contact you make. After onboarding, you get assigned to an advisor and begin the process of writing your application. My advisor was excellent; he guided, coached and mentored me all along the way. The services you provide are indispensable. I’m sure that I couldn’t have been admitted to XXXX without you.

Lisa, USA, MBA Student

I found out about INTRVU from my friend a week before I learned that I can study in Germany for free. I panicked about the deadlines, you mentioned your tools, which I did not believe first. But, then, you got my applications ready within 3 days. I got a lot of confidence and time to apply. I finally decided for XXXXX. Thank you, Mithun Sir.

Shravan, India, Industrial Engineering Student

I thank the entire INTRVU team for the amazing results! If you haven’t coached me that it’s possible to enter a management program with just 2 years of professional experience, I wouldn’t have even applied. Thank you so much! I received 3 admission offers, including scholarships. I chose the school that fits my goal to start my own company someday.

Diane, South Africa, Masters in Management Student

I was stuck in my career and sought INTRVU’s help to explore study abroad opportunities in Germany. They truly understood my situation, helped with my applications and also mentored me throughout the process. The entire INTRVU team came across as mature professionals with a lot of experience and insights into the admissions and job market afterwards. They exceeded my expectations and I highly recommend INTRVU to anybody looking for career advisors and coaches.

Nipuna, Sri Lanka, Student Of International Business

INTRVU helped me deliver a well-rounded application package tailored for different schools. They had great insights on how to present my complex background and connect those with my long-term goals. Their clarity of thought, knowledge about the schools and articulation of the essays/story was immensely valuable. Mr. Mithun was very generous with his time and encouragement. The entire team was extremely dedicated and supported me throughout my application journey! Many thanks!

Kwame, Ghana, Communications Engineering Student

Thank you very much for your dedication and diligence throughout the process, from developing a strategy till choosing XXX, from among the several offers I received. You had a significant part of my success as you were not afraid to find solutions to the weak points in my application without trying to embellish reality or distort the facts. I think this is one of your differentiating factors, not to mention your tools that saved me a ton of work.

Nathaniel, New Zealand, MBA Student

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frequently asked questions

How long does an engagement last?2022-12-07T21:09:53+01:00

Typically, we strive to complete each client engagement within 6 weeks, so that you can focus on applying to opportunities, instead of waiting for our deliverables. However, this duration also depends on your timelines, goals, financial situation, and the package you purchased. We coach you as a person, not drag you through a process. This means, we adapt our engagement process to meet your constraints. Likewise, we also expect your time and commitment in the process.

Can I do a Bachelors in Germany without Studienkolleg?2022-12-07T15:11:57+01:00

Studienkolleg is compulsory only in the Bachelor’s degree to bridge the gap of 1 year that arises due to the difference in schooling, e.g. 12 years in India and 13 years in Germany.

However, one can skip the course of Studienkolleg by studying at a university for a year.

What happens if no universities accept me?2022-12-07T15:04:37+01:00

Universities don’t have to give you a reason, but if the rejection has left you wondering you could contact the university to ask for feedback. Try not to take it too personally. Admissions tutors will be sifting through hundreds of applications and it might not always be obvious why it’s not good news for you. If a university doesn’t offer you a place:

  1. Accept another university offer
  2. Apply to a new course
  3. Apply to the next intake (spring / fall)
  4. Take a gap year and reapply
  5. Consider alternative routes to a degree
  6. Consider applying to a different country
Can I hand in my language certificate after the application deadline?2022-12-07T15:00:06+01:00

A first general answer is: Usually not. Your language certificate is part of your application and must, therefore, be handed in before the application deadline.

However, some universities grant applicants the option to apply with a placeholder, for example, a language certificate on a lower level, and hand in the actually required language certificate later. The applicant can be admitted under the condition that they will provide a language certificate at a high enough level when they enroll.

Keep in mind that if you have to apply for a visa, you will also have to hand in a proof of language proficiency or of your intention to take a language course to show that you are an eligible and serious candidate and can obtain the visa. Time management is therefore crucial.

Which German language certificate should I choose?2022-12-07T14:59:27+01:00

Which certificate is the best one for you depends on your own circumstances and situation. If you are preparing for your studies in Germany from abroad and looking to obtain your language certificate from anywhere in the world, the TestDaF, Goethe-Zertifikat C2 or telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule may be your best options.

If you are looking to get your language certificate in Germany, the DSH is a great option. This test is offered at German universities and has got a non-standardized test format, meaning that the university’s teachers create and conduct the test. We find the DSH to be the best option. Not only is it affordable, but due to its non-standardized form, we find it to be a bit easier to pass, as well.

How well do I need to speak German to study in Germany in the German language?2022-12-07T14:57:52+01:00

The German law clearly defines which German language certificates a student may hand in. However, the universities and each program can make independent decisions when it comes to setting the requirements for the German language level. That is why it is important that you check with the program of your choice to learn precisely which proficiency level they expect from you.

As a rule of thumb, German universities require you to present a proof of upper intermediate to advanced German language skills (level B2/C1) to study in German.

To let applicants know how well they should speak German, many German universities use the terms defined by the Council of Europe in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). On this scale, there are 6 levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2):

  • A1 is the lowest level and designates that the student is a beginner
  • C2 is the highest level one can gain

Upper intermediate language skills correspond with level B2, and advanced language skills correspond to level C1.

Which German language certificates are recognized in Germany?2022-12-07T14:56:44+01:00

The following five German language tests and certificates must be recognized by all German universities:

  1. TestDaF (TDN 3, 4 or 5) (Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache)
  2. DSH II or III (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang)
  3. Goethe-Zertifikat C2
  4. telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule (The European Language Certificate)
  5. DSD II (Deutsches Sprachdiplom Stufe II)

In a Resolution of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) in Germany, all five of them were defined as equally valid when it comes to applying to German universities. So as long as you hold one of these certificates, you are good. The university of your choice will accept your certificate as valid proof of your language skills.

Each program can decide on a level of German skills independently. Therefore, the minimum results in each language test required from you vary from university to university.

Do I need B2 German to study in Germany in the German language?2022-12-07T14:55:54+01:00

To study in Germany, you need to prove that you speak English or German well enough to study in that language. This proof needs to be delivered by handing in an official language certificate unless you are a native speaker or have graduated from an English or German-speaking program.

More than 245,000 international students are currently enrolled at German universities, most of them come from non-English and non-German speaking countries. Therefore, universities are prepared to have second-language speakers in the classroom.

As a rule of thumb, German universities require you to present a proof of upper intermediate to advanced German language skills (level B2/C1) to study in German. You can prove your German level with TestDaF, Goethe or alternative certificates to get admitted to a degree program in Germany.

Can I get admission in Germany with low grades?2022-12-07T14:52:55+01:00

Unfortunately, some students with low GPA or percentage are filtered out initially because lots of public universities in Germany get applications from highly qualified students, and universities are just convinced to admit those students with high grade, unlike some of the top universities in USA.

How long does it take to get admission in Germany?2022-12-07T14:52:01+01:00

Approximately one to two months.

However, we recommend submitting your applications at least six weeks before the deadline to ensure time for corrections or additions if any information is missing.

You should expect to receive a formal acceptance or rejection approximately one to two months after the deadline has passed.

Why are German universities ranked low?2022-12-07T14:50:50+01:00

In short, funding. In Germany, the state really pays the biggest part of the bill. This means that universities have comparable amounts of funding that makes ranking based on this factor incorrect.

Universities use this money to pay for professors, campus facilities, equipment, etc.

What GPA is required for Germany?2022-12-07T14:47:26+01:00

The minimum grade requirements in German universities may vary depending on the courses, universities etc. However, the minimum grade required for a middle profile course is GPA 2.5, GPA 1.5 for high profile study programs and there are no specific requirements for low profile courses.

Can I work part-time as a student?2022-12-07T14:43:40+01:00

Students are allowed to work part-time for 90 full days or 180 days in a year. A graduate is allowed to stay in Germany for 18-24 months depending on his / her course to look for a job after graduation.

Once they find a job they can convert their student permit to a residence permit for taking gainful employment.

How do I submit my application to a German university?2022-12-07T14:42:53+01:00

Students have two options to submit their applications. They can either apply directly on the university’s application portal or go through UNI ASSIST.

UNI ASSIST assists students with its partner universities only.

UNI ASSIST charges Euro 55 for their service of applying to 2-3 universities.

It charges an additional €15 per university for further applications.

Do universities notify me of any missing documents?2022-12-07T14:40:58+01:00

Once the University receives the application, it may take about 3-4 months to inform students of the outcome. Not all universities intimate whether the application is incomplete or lacks any documents.

Hence, we recommended submitting all the requested documents in one go to avoid any last-minute issues or rejections.

What is the application process to German universities?2022-12-07T14:39:20+01:00

There are two intakes in a year for admissions in Sep/Oct and in March/April. The application and visa process in total takes about 9 months, so students should plan accordingly.

The deadline for Sep/Oct intake is 15 Jan and for March /April intake is 15 July.

Hence, we recommend an early application to maximise your chances and have enough time to process your visas.

What are the tuition fees and living costs in Germany?2022-12-07T14:35:11+01:00

Education in Germany is tuition-free at most Universities. The Universities charge about €140 – 500 per semester for development, lab and facilities. As of January 1, 2022, keeping the rate of inflation in mind, the mandatory amount required in the Blocked Account for studying in Germany is €10,332 for an entire year or €861 for a month. This amount includes your accommodation, living expenses, and travel costs.

What are International study programmes?2022-12-07T14:33:16+01:00

The courses meant for international students are called International study programmes and are taught in English. Hence, students looking for courses exclusively in English must look for such courses on the university websites.

Unless a student has sound knowledge of the German language, choosing International programs is a prudent choice.

Some courses also have the option of doing a dissertation in German; students need to prove their efficiency in German beforehand if they choose this option.

Is it hard to get into German public universities?2022-12-07T14:31:34+01:00

Admission requirements are set very high by the German public universities, both for undergraduate (median 90%) and graduate (median 75%). In addition, students need to appear for IELTS or TOEFL to prove their efficiency in the language. Most of these universities only charge nominal tuition fees, hence are very popular among international students. Hence, German public universities are competitive to secure admits at.

Are top universities among the non uni-assist universities?2022-12-07T14:25:37+01:00

Yes, there are many universities across Germany that process international student applications without uni-assist.

How can I apply for a study program in a German University without uni-assist?2022-12-07T14:24:56+01:00

To apply for a degree program without uni-assist, just choose a study program that doesn’t use uni-assist to process its applications.

However, your preferred universities may use uni-assist and should this be the case,  the application process may involve a bit more of work as an applicant.

Ultimately, this method is used to ease the processing of international student applications for universities and if you follow their simple steps here, you will be fine!

What is uni-assist in Germany?2022-12-07T14:22:41+01:00

uni-assist is a tool which is used by universities to help them process international student applications. They also support international students who are interested in applying to German universities. Though universities evaluate student applications and ultimately decide on which students are admitted, uni-assist processes the application materials and facilitates the admission process. uni-assist does this by:

  • Evaluating official certificates to determine whether they fulfill the criteria for studying in Germany
  • Converting grades (GPA) to the German grading system
  • Checking all admission requirements of your universities of choice
  • Registering all data and documents required for the university of your choice’s admissions procedure
  • Informing students about the evaluation results
Why is uni-assist relevant for me as an international student?2022-12-07T14:22:33+01:00

As an international student, you need to make sure you familiarize yourself with uni-assist as you may be applying to a university that handles their admissions for students abroad through uni-assist.

Having a general idea of how uni-assist functions and how it can help you can be to your advantage when searching for appropriate study programs.

While many specialized study programs such as executive master’s programs use uni-assist, many regular degree programs also employ this tool to facilitate their admissions process for international students.

Do you help with applications to Bachelors programs?2022-12-07T14:19:45+01:00

Though we have helped a few candidates with their applications to Bachelors programs in Europe, our forte lies in graduate and post-graduate courses. Please get in touch with us to for a discussion regarding your motivation to pursue a Bachelors degree in Europe.

What is an engagement?2022-12-07T14:16:02+01:00

Engagement is the term we use for our client projects. We chose the term Engagement to signify the long-term nature of relationships we nurture with our clients. As most of our clients aspire to study in Europe, we adopt a long-term posture to these relationships as a few of our clients avail our career services during their Internship and / or Job search as well.

Do you offer group discounts?2022-12-07T14:14:18+01:00

Yes. Due to synergies that we can leverage across clients with similar profiles, we offer discounts on packages purchased as a group. We require a group size of at least 5 to offer this discount. Please contact us for the discount that we can offer to your group.

Can I pay for your services after securing an admit?2022-12-07T14:13:41+01:00

We do not currently support the pay later model. However, we accept payments in two installments at specific stage gates – 50% before the engagement start and 50% before we release the final application documents. We charge a 10% surcharge for this option. Please get in touch with us to discuss the installment option. Please note that your are required to bear the additional bank charges and exchange rates that are applicable when choosing the installment option.

How does the virtual engagement process work?2022-12-07T14:13:07+01:00

Since our incorporation in 2015, we have been delivering our services remotely through online tools. We use a range of collaboration and video conferencing technologies to deliver our admissions and career services. Consequently, we can deliver a very high quality of service without the geographical and time-zone constraints. Furthermore, the virtual apprach allows us to avoid costs and pass on those savings to our clients.

Do you also help me with visa?2022-12-07T14:12:24+01:00

We offer visa review and application services before you file your visa at the Embassy or Consulate in your vicinity. We advise and help you prepare your visa application, supporting documents, etc. But, we do not submit your visa application on your behalf.

Will you submit my applications on my behalf?2022-12-07T14:12:00+01:00

We are aware that several admissions consultancies offer this service. We help prepare your application documents and support your queries during your application submission process. But, we do not submit your application documents on your behalf.

How are you different from other admissions consultants?2022-12-07T14:11:11+01:00

In short, we leverage data and technology more than other consultancies to gather deep market insights and eliminate low-value activities. We leverage data to provide authoritative and objective feedback. Many consultancies lack the tools, data and insights that we have developed over the years to closely monitor market developments, such as emerging skills needs, staff capabilities, etc.

We use these insights during the engagement process to give our clients the competitive advantage they deserve. These differentiators, holistic service portfolio from admissions to careers and our technology portfolio singularly set us apart from other consultancies in the market.

What makes you different from my local admissions consultant?2022-12-07T14:10:32+01:00

Due to our location in Germany, we have deep insights into the European admissions and job market that we leverage during the engagement process. Our advisory process is rooted in your career prospects after you graduate. We use the job market data and insights to help you choose the right course or university to study at.

Furthermore, your relationship with your local admissions consultants ends after you secure an admit. They usually lack the insights and resources to support you later on during your internship and job search as we could.

What are my career prospects after graduation?2022-12-07T14:09:18+01:00

In broad strokes, your career prospects depend on several factors, such as your area of study, additional qualifications, technical and soft skills, labor market sentiments, immigration policies, business cycles, etc.

As admissions and career consultants, we have deep industry and labor market insights. We leverage these insights during the engagement and help select courses, programs and universities with promising career prospects post-graduation.

Can I speak to your client references?2022-12-07T14:08:47+01:00

Our clients’ privacy and future career prospects, especially in the context of admissions and career services, is a very serious business to us. So, we do not disclose our previous clients or the services we rendered to protect and respect their privacy, before, during or after your purchase. Similarly, we also won’t share your information with our future clients to respect your privacy.

What is the duration of an engagement?2022-12-07T14:07:05+01:00

The duration of our client engagements range between one to six weeks. We have optimized our processes and automated several manual steps using home-grown tools to avoid losing valuable time. Due to this flexibility, we plan the engagement roadmap considering your availability. As your coaches and advisors, we accommodate your personal situation, rather than drag you through a process. This means, we adapt our engagement process to meet your constraints. In exchange, we also expect your commitment in the process.

Can you promise me an admission?2022-12-07T14:05:51+01:00

No, we do not promise our clients that we will secure an admit for them. Universities independently make the admission decisions. Private admissions consultancies cannot influence these decisions. Moreover, almost all public universities are funded by the tax payers and do not enter into partnerships with admissions consultants as some claim.

However, we do leverage our experience, software tools and data, market insights, and network to help clients maximize their admissions chances. We have a moral and ethical responsibility to our clients as they place a lot of weight on our recommendations. Our advise also has long-term career impact.

Hence, we do not promise that we will secure an admit. We do, however, promise an excellent quality of service, application documents and individual attention that you deserve.

Should I apply despite my poor grades?2022-12-07T14:05:09+01:00

In short, yes. Grades contribute to 67% of the overall admission decision. Though this is an important selection criteria, admissions committee also considers the other aspects of your profile and application essays before making the final decision.

Approximately 2/3rd of our clients have weak academic grades, but otherwise strong candidate profile. During the engagement, we will uncover your profile strengths and highlight them in a compelling manner through your application documents.

We also match your profile data with our historical admissions data to shortlist universities with reasonable admissions chances.

Finally, we also advise you on additional activities you could undertake to further strengthen your profile.

Which European countries can you help me apply to?2022-12-07T14:04:36+01:00

Since 2015, we have been helped students secure admits in Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, France, Netherlands, Finland, and Belgium. If you are interested in studying at an institution in a specific country, please get in touch.

Can I speak with you before I purchase your services?2021-11-04T21:12:47+01:00

Yes, absolutely! We strongly encourage you to reach out to us before you purchase a package. Please get in touch via email or WhatsApp

Could you help me apply to USA / Canada / Australia?2021-11-04T20:42:40+01:00

We specialize in European admissions and job search services. We don’t currently support applications to non-European universities.

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