You have to complete an internship within your studies and do not know how to do this? Today we will give you some tips to help you.

An internship is always a good idea. Especially if you are still not so sure with the career choice. So you can get an insight and look into which profession you want in the future. In doing so, you not only get in touch with your contacts, but you also gain a lot of practical experience and, among other things, also credit points.

When should I do an Internship?

There are, honestly, no guidelines. Most students begin their first internship in the third or fourth semester. Because here you know the fundamentals of your subject and can perhaps implement them in practice. Up to your Master, it would be good if you did several internships in order to know in which industry you would like to work. The duration of the internship is always different. Often, companies are looking for interns for three months. Here you have the chance to participate in smaller projects.

Where can I apply?

Online job exchanges, such as Indeed, Stepstone or Monster, help you with the internship search. You could, for example, first see what possibilities you have and which places you interest at all. You can also look at the homepage of your university. Many institutes offer internships. If you are sure which company you are interested in, look directly at their website. There are often vacancies displayed and you can apply directly online.

Write to?

No ”Copy-paste application”. Just be yourself and explain why you are interested in the job. Try to work with specific examples and write something about the company. It is important that you share your experiences so far. Make it clear to the company that you are the right person for the job.

Curriculum vitae?

Here it is important that you make your profile clear to the reader. Name your personal data first. Then you can enter your school or professional career. Have you been abroad? Also mention your foreign language skills, social commitment and whether you have participated in further education. Keep your layout simple and pay attention to a chronological structure.

What do I have to consider before an interview?

Inform yourself about the company and the position to which you applied. Typical questions to ask are: Why choose us? Where do you see in the future? What are your qualifications? Do not be shy and just be yourself. At the end of the conversation, you can ask questions. Think about what you want to know.